Irlande : Ovni dans le ciel de Dublin ?  - 27 Février 2017


Date de l' observation: 26 Février  2017

Lieu d'observation: Dublin, Irlande



D'après Scott Waring des Orbes lumineuses orbes ont été vus un peu partout dans le monde cette semaine.

Cependant cet objet volant n'est peut être qu'une Orbe en raison de la mise au point de la caméra causant une distorsion. Une caméra de mauvaise qualité ne permet pas d'avoir une image nette.


Le témoin déclare :


"This video shows eerie footage of what some people are claiming to be a UFO flying over Leopardstown in Dublin this evening.

The video was recorded by a Dublin Live reader, who did not want to be named, but said he saw a green light flying over Leopardstown.

He said:

"I was driving home and at Leopardstown I saw this bright light flying over me.

"I thought nothing of it but when I got home my Italian students who are staying with me told me they had seen a light flying beside Bray Head and they recorded it.

" Despite claims it's an alien spacecraft, our reader added:

"It's probably just a drone, but it does look very strange."

The Irish Aviation Authority were unavailable for a comment on Sunday."


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