Date de l' observation: Août 2016
Lieu d'observation: zone Herbert, Australie
D'après Scott Waring :
"Le territoire Australien est vaste et la plupart du temps inhabité, donc dans cette seule logique le gouvernement des Etats- Unis d'Amérique a demandé à l' Australie de leur louer une grande quantité de terres pour leurs usages militaires et des installations militaires dans des bases souterraines.
C'est un fait avéré que les Etats-Unis travaille sur plusieurs avions secrets en dehors des Etats-Unis dans le but de noyer le poisson.
L'USAF test probablement de nouvelles technologies en Australie.
Cet Ovni ressemble beaucoup à un de ces projets appelés le TR3B. En fait, je viens de rapporter une observation d'Ovni dans le parc de Yellowstone grâce aux webcams de surveillance en direct il y a quelques jours.
Ce prototype a probablement été construit par la société Bigelow Aerospace. Le témoin déclare que l'OVNI était 100X plus grand qu'un avion normal.
Je l' ai déjà révélé, il y a quelques jours, l'OVNI de Yellowstone mesurait plus de 100 mètres de long, peut - être jusqu'à 300 mètres. "
Le témoin :
“I went to get my partner’s phone, and started taking pictures of it and all of a sudden there was another two lights, and it was in the shape of a triangle, with a big light up the front and another two lights up the back.”
Mr Mathiot, 21, took several photos of the aircraft as it hovered in the same place for about half an hour before it disappeared.
“It was zipping around like no plane or drone we’ve ever seen,” he said.
“The lights were about two centimetres apart in the sky.
“It had to be a massive object.
“It definitely wasn’t a drone. It was 100 times bigger than a plane.”
He said he was amazed by the sheer size of the unknown object.
“I kind of like that type of stuff. I’m kind of a believer but I’m not freaked out, just in shock,” he said.
“I’ve never had an experience like that.”
An Australian Defence Force spokesman said there was no evidence of military aircraft in the Herberton area at the time of the sighting.
Alec Brimacombe, the Far Northern investigator for UFO Research Queensland, said Mr Mathiot’s photos certainly appeared to show a triangular object.
“I’m not aware of any reports from Herberton but there were sightings of smaller objects around Tinaroo last year,” he said.
“Certainly there are a great many reports of flying triangular objects seen around the world.”
He said in other cases, the large size of triangular UFOs was often mentioned.
“If the object was sighted with the naked eye, then it cannot be a photographic anomaly,” he said.
“The three points of light suggest a structured triangular object or craft.
“As to what it is, we just cannot say.
“It sounds too large for a drone and the zigzag movements are not characteristic of planes – civilian or military.”
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