Date de l'observation: 12 Janvier 2016
Durée de l'observation: 03: 30-03: 35
Lieu de l'observation: sud-est de Winchester, Hampshire, Royaume-Uni
Ces ovnis imposants ont été enregistrés un peu partout dans le monde entier depuis 1 an.
Ils sont également présents dans la journée (pas brillant, mais plutôt blanc) et luisent comme une étoile dans la nuit.
Ils sont le plus souvent en forme de diamant ou de cristaux. Parfois de petites orbes gravitent en orbite autour pendant quelques secondes ... les Ovnis émettent ces petites Orbes comme des systèmes de guidage ... une sorte de protection rapprochée pour l'OVNI.
Témoignage :
As is often my habit I was skywatching early on the morning of January 12th 2016 when I noticed among the sparsely laid out starfield a 'star' which seemed to be moving at very high altitude. I quickly checked my suspicions (as to actual movement over the illusion of movement due to atmospherics) with binoculars and then filmed two short sample footage sessions with my digital camera, wherein during the second session the object seemed to shoot out of sight. The object seemed to consist of a dull section which remained off to the left of the frame and the more brilliantly lit, and at times, haloed object which was from my point of view making small triangular course changes in the sky while I observed. I apologize for the low quality video, but after conversion and in order to make it available from the original high-format it was necessary to reduce the depth as to make it possible for sending to B.E.A.M.S. for inclusion in their archives, although I have the original video here unaltered.
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