Date de l'observation: 20 Janvier 2016
Lieu de l'observation: Reisterown, Maryland, Etats-Unis
Source: MUFON # 74077
Comme souvent les ovnis sont souvent visibles lors des couchers du soleil. Ce témoin a eu la chance de tomber sur eux et de les photographier.
Les ovnis apparaissent sombres en raison de l'angle des rayons du soleil couchant.
Témoignage :
At my house shoveling out my truck with neighbors. Noticed a beautiful cloud formation. Started making photos 1 after another. Later when admiring features of strange looking clouds started to see orbs. Cone shaped pyrimids that looked black. Then hundreds of them. With otherobjects in cloud. Please evaluate photos is there another explanation for these strange clouds and objects. Thank you.
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