Date de l'observation: 29 Octobre 2014
Lieu de l'observation: Santa Tecla, El Salvador
Nouvelles source: MUFON # 61227
Le MUFON vient de mettre en ligne cette ancienne observation sur leur chaîne Youtube; on peut individualiser un Ovni blanc et de forme nuageuse, qui est une forme assez fréquente que prennent les ovnis pour se camoufler surtout lorsque le ciel est lui même très nuageux.
La vidéo est courte, mais surtout elle nous montre le mouvement de l'engin.
Le témoignage :
By the end of the noon, I was trying to take some photos of the sky by its colours when, suddenly, I saw the object. So I took the photo right on the object When I noticed the object I guessed it would be a helicopter The object was comingo due to south from San Salvador vulcano, suddenly but slowly change its direction right to the east and I can't see anymore because here it's a residential area and other houses don't let see it anymore Well, I was happy to see a rare object Because it's a residential area, other houses don't let see a little more the traffic of the object.
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